I have come to really like Joomla! 4 over the last few months of trials and have got quite comfortable with the interface. Great job everyone.
Extension providers for all of the extensions I use have largely been well prepared or ready by the recommended live Joomla! 4 version. Again great job.
There is one catch however. My experiements with Joomla! 4 have been largely to start from scratch with the Cassiopeia template and retro fit my sites (CSS, content etc) to the new template. This has pros and cons. The pros are that this has been a great opportunity to review my site, remove 'waste' sometimes built up since version 1.5 (all those years ago) and generally improve everything along the way, knowing the site will be in good shape for a few years to come.
The cons are that most of my sites are buitl on one time templates or modified versions of earlier templates in Joomla! releases. See the Joomla Document pages for a great discussion on template compatibility. You will see from the link that advice on Joomla 3 to 4 template conversion is absent. With 20+ Sites of varying sizes to build I now have a daunting taks of converting all of my site templates to something based on Cassiopeia.
Sadly my research into Joomla! 4 did not pick up on this issue early enough (my fault) and I now need to work on a solution which is streamlined enough to be efficient but also to ensure longevity of my templates for the foreseeable future.